Friday, March 25, 2011


Today in class we went over our quiz's and got them back. Also we got to eat donuts and got to have a lot of fun.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today in class we went over our projects that we have over the break. I got Alexanders youth and I am going to make a poster. We also went over our quiz's we took yesterday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quiz !

Today in class we had a quiz, im hoping I did well so I could get my grade up and be passing.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Notes on the movie .. Again

  • Today in class we watched more of the movie and are going to be having a quiz on Greece , Wednesday !
  • Pericles
  • born in to Athens elite family
  • knew what the people wanted.. a city fit to rule an empire
  • wanted to form a great city
  • Parthenon 
  • Pericles brought democracy to its climax
  • People wanted a city fitted to run an empire
  • Parthenon a building with a big statue of Athena (40 ft tall) in it
  • it requires 20,000 tons of marble
  • it is a symbol of Athens empire
  • it cost a billion dollars in our time to build
  • Frizezs shallow piece of marble
  • it was a testament to the common man and woman

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today in class we watched more of the movie , and took more notes. We are going to finish on Monday.

Movie !

  • Hippieas 
  • life was then dangerous 
  • clithenites 
  • hippias was trapped 
  • 510 B.C 
  • Greeks society was changing
  •   776 B.C two years before he was born
  • Competition/ games for the wealth
  • Olympians were hero
  • Mythical heroes are where its from
  • Rich people competing against each other
  • get power however and whenever you can
  • marathon 26 miles from Athens
  • city without a standing army
  • Hoplite, closest thing to a professional army
  • Themistocles 
  • trirme 
  • xerxes
  • Aristocrat- member of the ruling class; has wealth & power

  • Athens - Town built around the acropolis

  • Acropolis - big outcropping of rock where Athens sits.
  • good advantage because you can see your enemies approaching

  • Cleisthenes - set Greece up on a path to empire

  • Arête- everything you do, you do it to the best of your ability

  • The Iliad and the  odyssey - Bards (storytellers) - were told in Cleisthenes Athens as a child to make him believe that he would become who he was
  • Homer wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey
  • Tyrant - (ruler) ordinary man Pisistratus was Cleisthenes' brother in law 
  • Turned to common Athenians for support
  • He reduced taxes, they were able to keep more of the money they made
  • He started treating regular people really well
  • Greek's created the vase - first artistic deal;
  • Artisans had no special or distinct respect
  • Life expectancy @ birth was less than 15 years
  • Regular Athenian citizens had no say in anything
  • Each city state was extremely independent and had it's own culture
  • The Corinthians dominated Greek trade
  • Spartans dominated in military instincts;
  • Children were brought up from a young age in camps to train to be a strong military man
  • Darius's son
  • spring in 480 B.C news came out
  • the Greeks went to see oracle at Delphi 
  • delian league 
  • Isagarus was an Athenian aristocrat, who grew up thinking that power WAS his right
  • Old friend of Spartans, and they immediately backed up his bit for power and betray his city
  • They ruled from the acropolis - top part of their city
  • Cleisthenes, - feeling betrayed started a revolution
  • After three days of fighting, Isagarus was forced to surrender
  • This was a revolution of the common people.
  • 508 BC - for the first time the people of Athens had changed the government
  • Agora-In the shadow of the acropolis, the citizens of Athens came to discuss the decisions they will make for the state;
  • The beginning of a democracy, a congress, etc.
  • Met and voted every 9 days to vote on things; black pebble for no; white pebble for yes
  • Athenian democracy - they ARE the government
  • Regular people can be heroes
  • Worlds first democracy tested in war with Persia;
  • 490 BC - 18 years after the first start of democracy
  • Phidippides - ran the first marathon for the reason of saving his country;
  • Desperate mission was to run for help from Marathon to Sparta
  • Ran 140 miles in just 2 days
  • Athenians slaughtered over 6,000 Persians in 1 day
  • Themistocles - Athenian general who had fought on the line at the Persian war
  • He didn't come from aristocrats
  • Learned skills of leadership at the Agora
  • One of the worlds greatest leaders - the savior of his city

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Todays Class

  • cleisthenes 
  • aristocrat 
  • acropolis  big rock / mountain highest city the top or peek. 
  • Greece seemed unlikely to have a huge civilization 
  • Greece put in to little city states
  • Athens wasn't as powerful 
  • tyrant 
  • Pisistrasis 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Class Today

Today in class we took a lot of notes on Greece and went over the movie from Friday the notes are below !

crucible of civilization

  • Geography of Greece
  • Mountains peninsula 
  • mountains cover 3/4
  • approximately 1400 islands in the aegean and linian seas 
  • poor natural resources 
  • skilled sailors
  • location shaped its culture
  • difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because the terrain developed small independent communities
  • 20% of Greece suitable for farming
  • fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsula 
  • because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives
  • Lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization 

  • temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer
  • Mycenaeans 
  • began around 2000 B.C 
  • Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft. thick wall 
  • controlled trade in the region 
  • 1400 B.C Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language 
  • Culture in Decline
  • The dorians moved into the war-torn region
  • far less advanced 
  • economy collapsed 
  • writing disappeared for 400 years 
  • Homer and Myths 
  • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
  • Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
  • Recorded stories of the Trojan War in The lliad and The Odyssey
  • Written 750-700 B.C
  • Greek Concepts 
  • Arete , the virtue and excellence
  • Epics, narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
  • Myths were created to explain creation
  • Zeus: leader of the gods
  • Hera: Zeus' wife
  • Athena: goddess of wisdom
  • Clisthenes
  • We was born as a ruler
  • The night of the Athenian war was a turning point for his life and all of Greece
  • He set his fellow Greeks on the path to empire
  • born around 508 BC
  • Grew up knowing he was an aristocrat
  • Athens
  • became a empire of its own 
  • located in greece
  • life expectancy was less then 15 years
  • Olympia
  • ancestor of Olympic game 
  • 776 BC
  • competition of wealthy and Clysones made it so anyone could compete
  • chariot
  • running
  • boxing
  • Pericles- born into one of Athens's most elite families- Aristocratic origins
  • Started out as Aristocrat but ended up letting the people continue to rule their own government;
  • Came up with the idea of the Parthenon & was directly involved in the planning project
  • Began to plan a new adventure - Brought Athens not Glory, but the loss of their empire
  • Sparta was the only city state who matched Athens in power
  • The fatal flaw - You have a great person who does so many things but they have one flaw that they can't give up;
  • Huberous- excessive pride and arrogance
  • Parthenon- massive, beautiful building; with enormous statue of Athena in it
  • Cost over a billion in todays terms
  • It is the most glorious symbol of Athens
  • Statue of Athena was over 40 feet tall - taller than JC
  • Done as a labor of love
  • A bunch of friezes [ A narrow shallow little piece of marble; 2 1/2 inches thick in depth]
  • 500 feet of these surrounding the statue- in the form of farmers, artisans, etc.
  • Glorifying the common people as well, democracy
  • Makes democracy come to life
  • Aspasia - a prostitute
  • Pericles treated her as a normal person
  • Thought to have written Pericles's speeches
  • She was not from Athens - Foreign born
  • Astonishing that she had so much to say, so much input; while the women of Athens were to be seen but not heard
  • Athenian population would gather twice a year to watch popular entertainment at their theatre- they invented drama/theatre.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today !

Today in class we went over the rest of the power points that we had finished up ! Some of them were great and I learned a lot of new information ! Mr.Shick will not be here tomorrow so we are going to start watching a movie and it looks really interesting !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

School Today

Today in class we got a book read to us , and we are going to start studying the Greeks !
We started a class power point and there were going to be fourteen slides ! Each person got a slide and mine was Cyrus the Great ! This is going to be a lot of fun to look at when they are all done and im excited to see the power point in the end !

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Notes for Egypt

these are the notes we took today for Mondays test :

daily life
goddesses and gods
Egyptian life is centered around the Nile river
water for drinking , for irrigating , for bathing, transportation
every July it floods and every October it leaves behind rich soil
managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation

slaves and servants

artisans would carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the afterlife .
hatshepsut was a woman who served as pharaoh